space elevator

Liftport’s Michael Laine Talks Space Elevators

Picture from GizmodoHere’s Michael Laine talking about the space elevator. I need my fellow blogger to teach me how to embed a fucking video. That’s frustrating, as you can imagine. But, anyway, even if you can’t click here you can just go to YouTube and check this out.

This is an important must watch, if you care deeply about the space elevator.

Michael Laine of Liftport talking about the Space Elevator – YouTube.

Space Elevator Might Never Happen

Here’s a good read on the downfalls of the space elevator. Those of you reading this who are space elevator enthusiasts have probably heard all the downsides to the space elevator, but this article from io9 is nice because it sums up each potential barrier to building the space elevator. But that’s not all: you also get alternative opinions that say “hey, wait just a minute, we might be able to fix that” as well as a teaser for what should be its own full length article: the fact that we could build a space elevator on the moon without any of the problems associated with building it on earth.

Now, what I really want to know is how many of these barriers could we overcome if we’d all just agree that we as a species can just get the fuck on with it already and start working together to build something great. This could be the “Great Wonder” of a United Earth. I know that’s laughable to some of you, but it’s an inevitable goal that we – the educated, the intellectual, the scientist, the secular humanist – ought to work toward every day.

Why we’ll probably never build a space elevator.

Maleable Module Makes Orbital Travel More Manageable

Inflatable Space Station

I know a lot of cynics are going to discredit this immediately – in spite of their lack of research or advanced degrees – but the idea behind it seems pretty reasonable, and the fact is this is a test. And if there’s one thing that any good science teacher has taught us – or Isaac Asimov, for that matter – you’ll never really know whether or not something works out in a simulation. Everything has to be tested. What if this is the next big thing? We may have to settle for it until we can overcome the limitations of earth’s gravity with a space elevator.

Inflatable spacecraft: Blown up in orbit | The Economist.

Space Elevator: Actually Possible Now

Picture from Gizmodo

I’m going to try not peeing my pants with excitement or embarrassingly myself by saying something arrogant, but: LAUGH ALL YOU WANT. The Space Elevator could be the great engineering achievement of our lifetime – OURS – and could be wonderful tool for science, industry, space exploration, etc. But we – all of us – need to have the courage to come together and decide (or, I should say, realize) that the space elevator is possible. It can be built if we put enough energy into thinking about HOW to build it, and we can do one thing right. I think the previous few generations have made a lot of mistakes, and I’m hopeful that as my generation takes over our apathy and cynicism don’t prevent us from a great engineering achievement like this.

Is This The Final Technical Piece We Need For The Space Elevator? – Forbes.